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Primeur op de Nederlands markt: RoboSnail

Beste aquarianen,
Mijn RoboSnail heeft intussen een heel andere programmering.
Hij weet de rijrichting, het einde v/d ruit niet meer. Mijn vraag:...
Weet iemand hoe ik hem opnieuw kan programeren en dat hij dan deze nieuwe ook opvolgt?
Het lukt mij niet. Wat zie ik over het hoofd?
mvg. Werner
Option: Prepare one roll of 1/2 “ wide adhesive tape. (as a visual reference tool)
Apply tape horizontally 2” (50mm) at least above sand/gravel level if any for use as a quick reference tool when programming the unit.

Step 1.
To begin RoboSnail programming, press “steady green” (fully charged start button) and hold until start button changes to “flashing green” and enters program mode.

Step 2. RoboSnail is now moving downward with start button “flashing green”, PRESS BUTTON once unit is close to upper edge of tape position. Start button now changes to “steady green”. Unit recorded first baseline (tape) above sand level.

Step 3. RoboSnail rotates left and switches to second column, and moves upward. Start button will remain a “solid green” during this turn.

Step 4. RoboSnail’s start button will change to “flashing green” again alerts reaching the top edge of the aquarium. The unit then moves downward again. This alerts the user to press the start button again when it reaches upper edge of tape position for a second time. Once pressed again, it turns to “flashing blue”, this means programing is complete. The unit ends programming by returning and docking itself for charging.

Step 5. Remove the tape from aquarium after programming RoboSnail. Clean adhesive residues off as necessary.